
Light After Darkness

The Beane Family Blog

May 2018 Update

Hello friends and family,


Almost three years ago our family made the first step in our journey towards church planting as we began to pray about what it would mean for us to drastically change all that we knew and were comfortable with in order to answer both the pastoral call I felt on my life and the call to plant a church. Since then we have sold our house, relocated to Kentucky, I attended AND GRADUATED (hahaha) from the Pastors College, had a baby (well, Andrea did the hard part there), relocated back to North Carolina—Charlotte more specifically— participated in a church plant residency, went through the process of ordination with Sovereign Grace Churches, and have most recently relocated to Wilmington to prepare for the launch of Grace City Church. Continue reading “May 2018 Update”

Two Guys’ Wives: Ways You Can Pray For Us

We would like to thank you for all the many ways you have prayed for us while on this journey and for your ongoing commitment to continue to pray. We need it! Most of our requests probably aren’t too different from many other women. Please pray as the Lord leads you!

Above all else, we desire to love God and others. If your time to spend praying for us is brief, you can pray to that end! If you have a few extra minutes, below are some specific areas that you can use to help guide your prayers: Continue reading “Two Guys’ Wives: Ways You Can Pray For Us”

Loving Our Neighbors

Settings—Control Center—Do Not Disturb While Driving

Is it irony that I added the Do Not Disturb While Driving function to the “control” center of my phone since the whole reason I need to use the function is due to a personal lack of it [self-control]? I first learned of this smartphone function last year but at the time I did not really see my need to utilize it. I justified my temptation to distraction by using the “talk to text” feature. I would try to only get on my phone while stopped at red lights or when there were no cars in sight on a familiar road. Obviously my smartphone (and the makers of this little device named by Time magazine as “the single most influential gadget of all time”) knows me better than I know myself since this Do Not Disturb While Driving function was preprogrammed into it! Continue reading “Loving Our Neighbors”

Two Guys’ Wives

The bimonthly Sovereign Grace Church of Wilmington pastors wives meetings have commenced! Well, it’s just Michelle and I at this point but we have faith that God will be sending us other women to share in this sweet fellowship. I say “just” Michelle with extreme hesitation because frankly, if you know Michelle, you will walk away from any time spent with her encouraged and refreshed. We had been meeting once a month since settling back into the city our friendship was first established but desired to begin implementing a more frequent intentional time together for the benefit of our own souls, to the benefit of our husbands and children and to the benefit of SGCW! Of course mixed in with all the spiritual sharpening is a great deal of laughter that is inevitable when we are together – and you know as well as us that laughter is sweet medicine for the soul! Continue reading “Two Guys’ Wives”

Brace Yourself! Or Should You?

I say “you” but am totally talking about ME!

Observations of those closest to us are one of the beautiful benefits of walking in fellowship with others. Recently something I do was brought to my attention that is revealing in regard to what I believe.

We (me, Aaron and our blonde entourage) were driving in the car and I made a statement in the course of our conversation that made Aaron pause. I could tell he was carefully formulating how he was going to say what he was going to say next because, well, let’s just be real, I don’t always receive stuff well right off the bat. Pride really. (That’s another blog another day though. Maybe like 100 blog posts. Or more.) He gently pointed out that I have a tendency to say things as though I am preparing for the worst. Looking back now I can see how that is so true. It’s something I have done as long as I can remember. It’s not an overt pessimistic attitude about all of life that sucks all joy out of me. No, not in an ole Eeyore kind of way. It happens more in passing statements made from time to time when speaking about the future. Which is probably why I didn’t really notice it and others may not have really noticed it (unless they have had a lot of conversations with me). Continue reading “Brace Yourself! Or Should You?”

October Update/ Phase 2

Is it October already, that means it has been almost 4 months since we updated you last on what we have been up to in the Beane family! We want to give you a quick fly by of some things that have happened in the last 4 months. We have been settled into our home and Andrea and the kids are in a good rhythm with homeschool, although as you precious mothers who homeschool know, it has not been without challenges! But, I must quickly respond with the truth that God has been faithful to help us remember that faithfulness in the midst of difficulty is what pleases God. Andrea has once again been my hero (lower case h); day after day she serves our family with patience, joy and faith, mixed with tears, weakness and dependency. Continue reading “October Update/ Phase 2”

July 2017 Update

It’s hard to believe that I (Aaron) am writing this, it seems like yesterday that we were packing our Uhaul, saying by to those we love and making our way to Louisville to begin the adventure of preparation for pastoral ministry and church planting.  It has been an experience we will never forget, and one that God will use to serve us for the rest of our lives personally and ministerially.

Continue reading “July 2017 Update”

Testimony at SGCL

Aaron and I had the wonderful privilege of sharing our short version testimony with Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville last month. What an honor to tell of what Christ has done! Never would we have written our story the way He has…but thank God He is the author, a much better one than us!

You can listen here.

Family and ministry updates coming soon!!!

April 2017 Update

Heartfelt Gratefulness

Family and friends, for the first time in quite a while we have had the chance to come up for some air in order to write an update. Our time here in Louisville has been a tremendous blessing and learning experience that will serve us for the rest of our lives.  And we want you to know that we could not have done this without your prayers, encouragement and support.  Many of you have sacrificed your time and your financial resources in order to partner with us in the gospel (Phil. 1:5), and when Andrea and I think of all of this our hearts are filled with joy (Phil. 1:4).  We have been overwhelmed with how God has provided for us this far, and we are confident that He will continue to do so into the future.  Continue reading “April 2017 Update”

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